Extension of Deadline for CA Scores
We have extended the deadline for submission of 2024 CA scores. scan_CA Extension of Deadlines for Submission
We have extended the deadline for submission of 2024 CA scores. scan_CA Extension of Deadlines for Submission
UNEB has officially released the 2024 examinations timetables. PLE TIME TABLE 2024 UCE NLSC TIME TABLE 20234 UCE TRANSITIONAL TIME TABLE 2024 UACE TIME TABLE 2024
The Uganda National Examination Board has warned private schools across the country to guard against conmen, who are soliciting money from head teachers, hoodwinking them that they help them block the cancellation of their exams.
The Executive Secretary, Mr. Dan Odongo has called on schools not to inflate examination fees, adding that the UNEB fees have not been increased at all. Mr. Odongo was addressing the media this morning at the Media Centre in Kampala. He stressed that if any additional charges must be added by the school for administrative purposes, the school should clearly explain to the parents, and such dues MUST NOT, in any way, be referred to as ‘UNEB fees/ Registration.
In a statement penned by the Executive Director of UNEB, Mr. Dan Odongo disregards circulating reports that UNEB may consider online examinations.
According to UNED Executive Director there is a fake Facebook account in the names of UNEB circulating reports that UNEB is considering administering online examinations to its candidates.
Following the release of Uganda Primary Leaving exams last week in which the prominent and bigger schools had been beaten by smaller and less known schools, there were claims of a separate marking system for the schools.
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يمكن أن تكون مشاهدة أفلام البالغين نشاطًا مثيرًا للاهتمام ومليئًا بالتحديات للأزواج، مع إمكانية تعزيز الروابط بين الشركاء. فيما يلي بعض الأسباب التي تجعلك تفكر في هذه التجربة: 1. تحفيز الرغبة الجنسية يمكن أن تساعد أفلام البالغين في زيادة الرغبة الجنسية بين الشركاء. إن مشاهدة المشاهد الحميمة معًا يمكن أن يخلق جوًا من العلاقة الحميمة…